Mary's Ferret Blog

Friday, March 22, 2002

“What’s Been Going On At Modern Ferret?”

On September 10, 2001, things were looking very good for Modern Ferret. We were working on or close to schedule; best-selling author Tama Janowitz was excited to plug the magazine everywhere she went; we had sent out piles of publicity letters to all sorts of venues, hyping fashion designer Todd Oldham’s photos of Ms. Janowitz on our cover and centerfold. We had just created an excellent new product (the Security Cube) that ferrets love and that may actually help to reduce stress. We were feeling good. Hopeful.

Then came September 11. It was a bad day all around. The events of September 11 made a mess of things for us in several ways:
1. 9-11 was emotionally upsetting and psychologically destabilizing (as it was for so many of us).
2. 9-11 changed the face of the economy, and, more specifically, the magazine industry. Big name magazines like Talk have folded in the wake of 9-11. This has changed the way every aspect of the magazine industry functions. Even little old Modern Ferret. Our printer called our credit line and refused to do any further work for us without being paid all back bills. Their reasoning: “The economy is bad.” We had no contingency plan for such an event, and we were selling virtually nothing as a result of 9-11. We have had to regroup and come up with a new plan.
3. All the publicity we had planned -- and that Tama Janowitz had gladly agreed to do for us -- came to very little. As a news reporter had pointed out a few days after 9-11: “There aren’t going to be any soft interviews for a long time.” Issue #31 came out a little later than scheduled (as a result of delays created by our printer) and, thus, landed out in the world only a very short time (days? a week or so?) before the terrorists attacked. This issue that we had so hoped would help us gain new subscribers (and revenue) was swamped by the terrible events of 9-11.
4. We had to delay sending out our renewal mailing, which would have been mailed on or about September 13. We waited two weeks, but still got a very poor response -- people were sending money to the victims of the WTC attacks. A lot of people had more important things on their minds than magazine subscriptions.
5. Both Eric and I were ill during the last few months. Although the problems predate 9-11, the terrorist attacks certainly made things worse.

Eric had an abscess that resulted from his Crohn’s disease. He spent 10 days in the hospital and had to have a drain in place for a couple of weeks to be sure to remove all the infection. He had spent a couple of months not realizing that he had an abscess, as the symptoms were attributed to the Crohn’s disease. When he reached a point where medications were not helping and he was having terrible fevers, he was admitted to the hospital for tests. He is recovering well, but the infection took a powerful toll on his health and on his morale. He still has a lot of resting up to do before he’s 100% again.

I had been feeling a little low earlier this year (maybe it was my birthday in August). Despite the very promising future of Issue #31 and the excitement of having developed a friendship with Tama Janowitz, I didn’t feel quite as good as I ought to have felt. After 9-11, I began a steep decline that was made worse by the situation with our printer as well as some tragedies suffered by friends and family (a friend’s daughter died and my aunt and uncle were seriously injured in a house fire). In December, after several months of being virtually unable to work, I was diagnosed with major depression. Since then, I have been taking medication, which is helping me to get back to my old self.

What all this adds up to is that Issue #32 of Modern Ferret is very late. We had nearly finished Issue #32 when the world fell apart. Since then, We have located a new printer and will be going ahead with Issue #32 very soon. We are also finally finishing up the Litter Box Training Manual.

Basically, we are re-launching Modern Ferret. It is difficult, but we’ve done it before. Eric and I are totally committed to continuing with the magazine. As we’ve overcome obstacles in the past, so shall we continue to do so. There are some changes that may come about in the coming few months. I’m planning to get a job outside of Modern Ferret to give the magazine the opportunity to regain some financial health. This could mean that issues in the near future are a little late or that they are done completely by Eric by himself. We see these changes as necessary so that we can continue to publish Modern Ferret and bring you, our readers, the best, and most accurate ferret information available.

If you’re wondering if there’s any way you can help, there is. You can be patient with us (as you have already been). You can take a look around on the Ferret Trading Post, the Modern Ferret Store, or the Ferret Designs web sites and make a purchase. We have many great items (including the new Security Cube) that you and/or your ferrets will enjoy. Or you can just send me an e-mail ( and say, “Hi.” I do read all my e-mail, even if I can’t answer every one.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 21, 2002

Ferret Updates

Cauliflower: On March 11th our Cauliflower had emergency surgery. We suspected he might have a partial blockage. He had been scheduled for exploratory surgery on the 13th, but he went downhill before then -- over the weekend, of course. First he slowed down a lot on his eating. Then all but stopped. I figured he'd be all right for the time being as long as whatever went in produced something out the other end (in other words: no complete blockage). I started feeding him warmed up chicken baby food, which he took happily. That Sunday morning, though, he turned up his little pink nose at the baby food. I called the vet, who suggested giving him Ensure (first asking if Cauli needed to see him right away). I started Cauli on vanilla Boost & planned to go be at the vet's office by 8 am Monday.

Sometime in the middle of the day on Sunday, I noticed Cauli getting bloated. I didn't think this was right, seeing as he was only drinking Boost. It turns out that Cauli had a tumor on/in his intestines, which somehow tore into or burst the intestines, spilling the contents all over his insides (peritoneum). Yuck. And very serious. Cauli had a drain in him so they could flush out his peritoneum over the course of several days to try to prevent an infection (peritonitis). He came home Saturday.

The tumor turned out to be malignant lymphoma. The good news is that the vet took out some tissue surrounding the tumor and it was clear of the lymphoma. Cauli's lymph nodes were also clear. So the prognosis is good. Cauli is healing very well. He's putting weight back on. He's eating well. He's happy to be home (and we're happy he's home, too).

Koosh: Koosh had scheduled adrenal surgery on March 19th. The vet removed his left adrenal and part of his right adrenal. He also removed a "suspicious" looking spot on Koosh's pancreas. We're still waiting for the biopsy results. Koosh has bounced back unnaturally rapidly. He was very rambunctious at the vet's, but has calmed down a bit now that he's home. I think he's finally getting the recuperative rest he needs.

Trixie, Balthazar, & Gabby: All these fuzz-heads are doing fine. Trixie may be going blind, but it doesn't stop her from climbing up on the couches. Balthazar is happy as ever. Gabby is still a little ball of energy. With Koosh on the sidelines, Gabby requires lots of human interaction. It's good for both of us: there's nothing as good as fuzzy therapy. Except maybe chocolate.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Please Stand By ...

A lot has happened since the last entry in this blog. I will soon be providing a complete rundown of what happened and what our plans are. In a quick little nutshell: Both Eric and I have been ill and are both on the mend now. There was quite a bit of "fallout" from September 11th. We are now, as we have always been, committed to publishing Modern Ferret.

The last issue of Modern Ferret that came out was #31. We are re-launching Modern Ferret with Issue #32, which we are finishing now.

In case I don't get to put "the full story" up here right away, you might want to join our e-mail newsletter by using the subscribe form at -- we are currently working on that, too.

I don't think there's any way I can adequately apologize for the frustration many of you have been feeling with regard to the magazine. I promise that had I been in any shape to respond to inquiries sooner, I would have done so. If you have e-mailed an inquiry to me, I will be responding over the course of the next week. All customer concerns will be addressed and resolved.

Thanks for reading.
