Mary's Ferret Blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

I know it appears that I have fallen off the planet but, I assure you, I'm right here.

I just spent a month in London staying with friends. No ferrets. But I did find some cute ferret figurines while I was in Berlin. (I also got to the Berlin Zoo to see the little polar bear Knut, but that's another story.) The German word for ferret is "fretchen." But apparently I don't pronounce it correctly, because not many of the Germans I met seemed to know what I was talking about.

Anyway, I'll get some pictures up somewhere at some point.

In the meantime, I still have some things to sell on the Ferret Trading Post web site. I have a limited number of Super Monster Packs that still have Issue #30 in them (that was the albino ferrets issue of Modern Ferret). I'm not sure how long they're going to last, especially since I slashed the price down to $52.00. When the last of those Super Monster Packs is gone, that'll be it for Issue #30. All the tons of magazines that were in the barn at my parents' house are now gone.

On another ferret-related note, I'm looking into writing a book similar to the book I wrote for Howell Book House back in 1995 (The Ferret: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet). Obviously, it will be written from scratch and have current information. I'm also toying with the idea of writing a book for younger people who are just learning about ferrets.

That's about all for right now. If you're looking for something to do, check out my ebay auctions. You can get a good deal on some of the ferret stuff I have on the Ferret Trading Post site. Look here for the latest auctions.
