Mary's Ferret Blog

Friday, April 02, 2004

I'm Getting Upset ...

Just a little while ago, Eric pointed out an individual who had signed up for the FerretNews Newsletter -- and was a confirmed recipient (that is, received an e-mail and responded to that e-mail saying that she wanted to receive the newsletter). This individual has also been receiving the Newsletter for a while now. She has also been very supportive and friendly with us over the past few years. Well, she filed a spam complaint because she received a newsletter that she had not only signed up for, but confirmed that she wanted!! I have no idea why she did this. This isn't the first time this happened.

Folks, if you want to stop getting the newsletter click the unsubscribe option in the e-mail you get! If you call it spam, you're not only lying (because you did, after all, sign up and confirm that you wanted the newsletter), but you're jeopardizing the very existence of the Newsletter! That affects 4,700 other ferret owners who receive the Newsletter. Maybe you don't want any more e-mails from us, but a lot of people do want to learn about ferrets from us.

So, please, be considerate of others. If you don't want to get the newsletter anymore, use the proper method provided for you. The Newsleter is NOT SPAM!

Sorry ... I just had to get this off my chest. I'm really upset with this particular person who had been so kind to us in the past. And, by law, I can't even contact her to ask her why she did this to us. I can only assume it was inadvertent, but I'll never know.


Newsletter #60

The FerretNews Newsletter #60 is up at:

There's some more info about adrenal disease and info on spring cleaning (for ferrets and humans).


We've been going through all the ferrets stuff we have here -- which is quite a lot! We found some toys we'd forgotten we have that Gabby seems to really like. It's a lot of work to keep Gabby amused. It's been so long since we had only one ferret that I'd forgotten how much time a solo ferret needs.

One of the things we found was a pack of Cheweasels. Gabby has taken to them very happily. I'm amazed that she paces herself, chewing off only a little at a time. When Trixie used to get them, she'd try to chew up the whole thing in one sitting! It gave me a momentary scare when I saw some soft poop in the litterbox, but then remembered that Cheweasels can cause some soft poop. If you give your ferrets Cheweasels (or the Marshall's chew things) you should limit how much your ferret gets in one day. Not that they're harmful, but I can't imagine that having a bunch of runny poop is a good experience for a ferret!

That's about it for now. I have to get back to work.

-- Mary