what happened...
Bal had been getting brief bouts of diarrhea for a couple of years. We never found anything wrong with him, so when he started again a couple of weeks ago, we treated it the same as before: kaopectate and prednisone (he used to get kaopectate for three days & it would all clear up -- in retrospect, the bouts probably did get worse as time went on -- but he always bounced back quickly and completely). He perked right up and was feeling and acting like his usual self. Even on Sunday, he was hopping up on the couches and dancing and generally behaving like a well ferret. He had not lost weight or muscle. So when he seemed to feel less good on Tuesday, we figured it's time to go to the vet. They couldn't take an x-ray on Tues because his temp was 104. On Wed AM they took bloods and did the x-ray. There was a definite thing in Bal's belly. They were going to do an exploratory yesterday, after the bloodwork came back -- if the bloodwork was OK. It wasn't. His kidney values were sky high. He was lethargic. They were going to give him fluids for another day and see if he improved, because as he was, he wouldn't make it through surgery. Eric and I were getting ready to go visit him. I grabbed a dirty t-shirt for Bal, so he'd have my smell with him. But before we got out the door, Dr. Ned called and said that Bal had died. We went to see him anyway. I just can't believe he's gone. Even in death, he looked good -- he had muscle and fat and his fur was soft. The part that hurts the most is that I didn't get to say goodbye to him. He was very special to me -- he would come to me when he felt bad or when he was scared. He'd sit on my lap even if he was full of energy.Dr. Ned did a necropsy and found numerous ulcers in Bal's stomach and intestines. Bal had never had any signs of blood in his stools. But apparently one of the ulcers went clean through. His lymph nodes were enlarged, too. Dr. Ned sent various tissue samples out for biopsy. We'll see what comes back. I know we did things the best we could, but I feel like I should have been able to do more. I guess we all feel that way a little when one of our babies dies.