Mary's Ferret Blog

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Something in the Attic ...

Um... there's something in our attic. Last night I was in bed reading (this great book about ancient stuff) when I heard scratching. Not ferret scratching -- they were all asleep in the cage -- but scratching up above me. Now I'm afraid to go into the attic (where we store a bunch of stuff). It's probably a squirrel -- we have a lot of them around here. I'm just not sure I want to come face to face with a squirrel in an enclosed space. I don't hear anything now (at a little after 9 AM). I just hope the squirrel is not nesting in our subscription records.

Learning Pagemaker

I'm learning to do magazine layout in Pagemaker. It's fun. For now, anyway. The next issue of the magazine will definitely have a bit of a different look. I'm excited to be able to do some different kinds of work. Flex my creativity a bit.

That's all for right now. I need to take a shower and get to work.--Mary

Sunday, February 23, 2003

It's Official

I feel like crap again. I fell down the stairs today -- rather, slid.

I've been thinking that the medication I'm on is not doing as good a job as the previous combination I was taking, and today I realize that I'm right. I'm sure I'm a bit raw at the moment anyway. But this has been building for a couple of weeks now. I hate square one. --Mary

Saturday, February 22, 2003

Goodbye Grandma Lee

Today my Grandma Lee died. We will all miss her. Rest in peace. -- Mary

Friday, February 21, 2003

This Just Stinks!

No. I'm not talking about Gabby's ears (though she can create a pungent aroma). I'm talking about all the things I have to do by yesterday. It looks like we're going to be forced into some business decisions by third parties. It happens too often to us and I hate when it does. I have to quell my anger before I try to deal with this stuff or I'm just going to lose my head and scream at people. That never actually makes them want to help. Odd, isn't it?

The Rheumatologist

I made an appointment to see the rheumatologist on March 10. I hope he's able to figure out what's going on and help me feel better quickly. The joint pain is getting worse again. Like I need that on top of all this other junk. I'm kind of surprised I got an appointment so quickly. When Eric went to see this same rheumatologist a couple of years ago, he had to wait for two months. I'm glad I don't have to wait that long.

New Computers

Eric built (and re-built) some computers here, so we'll finally be able to get on with our lives. They seem to be working very well. Yay!

That's all for now. I'm just waiting for my medication to kick in. --Mary

Friday, February 14, 2003


My joint pain is back with a vengeance. (See my post: 11/13/2002.) I guess this means I really have to go see a rheumatologist now. Grrrr! I just want to be able to sit and stand and do normal things. This worries me. The terrorism stuff worries me. The unknown worries me. -- Mary

Monday, February 10, 2003

You Can Write

If you feel like you need to do something about the guy in St. Louis who murdered his ferret at the airport, you can write to the prosecuting attorney's office in St. Louis. I'll post my letter when I've finished it. In the meantime, remember to be respectful -- don't call the guy all kinds of cursewords :o). Just ask politely that they do their best to get this guy the maximum penalty for his horrible act. Here's the address:

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney
100 So. Central Ave.
Clayton, MO 63105
(314) 615-2600

Remember to sign your name and include your address and all that info. --Mary

Sunday, February 09, 2003

People Are Unbelievable

Some guy killed his pet ferret at an airport and flushed the body down the toilet. I am in shock. Here is the story: Passenger Allegedly Beats Ferret to Death and this: Man allegedly kills ferret he brought on plane. I've been told that Missouri has pretty strong animal cruelty laws. Let's hope this guy gets the maximum penalty. It's like a horror story.

Computer Still Dead

Eric and I are still struggling to get the computer working. This is a nightmare. We keep ordering new parts and then hoping for the best. I hate computers. I love computers. I just wish they could magically work. (Ah, but they do...).

Rabies Vax for Ferrets Are Now Required in NY State

I found out from someone on one of the ferret boards I frequent that ferrets have been added to the list of animals that are required to be vaccinated against rabies. Check this out: STATE RABIES AND ANIMAL CONTROL STATUTES (effective November 20, 2002). You'll want to start reading from Section 2141. It's good to see that ferrets are joining the ranks of other domesticated animals. The funny thing is that NY City is exempt (see Section 2146). It seems that NYC doesn't even acknowledge this change in the state's law. Typical.

Well, that's about it for now. See you later. --Mary

PS - I forgot to mention that I added my email address at the left. If you have any comments on any of my blather, please feel free to email me. I can't answer everyone, but I'll try.

Friday, February 07, 2003

It's Snowing!

We're expecting up to 7 inches of snow today. It sure is coming down like it means to cover the ground but good. I love snow -- soft and fluffy and pure. The first day, anyway. Eric and I did some food shopping yesterday so we don't have to go anywhere today if we don't want to. Of course, that means Eric will get cabin fever about an hour after waking up and will convince me to go see the new Jackie Chan movie. Or we could just watch all the pent-up Charmeds we have on video.

The bad thing about this particular storm is that it is wrecking havoc with my left knee. My left knee has been a problem for me since junior high school. It bothers me on and off; swells up, aches, what have you. Yesterday I started getting these twinges of pain in my left knee. I wasn't even standing! It's continued into today. My knee is swollen and warm. All my other joints have decided to join in on the fun. I may yet end up at the rheumatologist's office.


My brothers are all having "things." Brady, the youngest, had to have an emergency wisdom tooth extraction. They yanked all four. I'm sure he's feeling great right now! (Yeah.) Mark, the younger of my older brothers, has a nasty infection on his elbow. He doesn't know how he got it, as he didn't have a cut or anything there. My theory is that, since he's a doctor, he probably gets exposed to all sorts of freaky things, so anything's possible. Anyway he's on antibiotics and should be fine. My oldest brother, Mike, is on strike (he's a New Jersey doctor). At least my sister is doing all right.

Pulling the Plug

Eric and I have been talking for a while about pulling the plug on our Ferret Trading Post store. It doesn't really make us much money for the amount of work involved (keeping track of orders and making sure we're billed correctly and all that). We're only in the talking stage right now -- trying to get a better sense of whether it's worthwile to continue with it. The big question is, what would we do with all that free time? The answer is: video. Not that video will make us money, but if we're not going to make money, we should at least enjoy what we're doing to not make the money.

That's all for now. --Mary

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men ...

Well, the computer is still not working. We've replaced about everything we could in the damn thing, but it still freezes up. Grrrr! So Eric still has no functioning computer, and we never got to loading software onto my machine. Sometimes I think computers are evil. (Yes, I know, they are evil.)


I don't know what I did, but yesterday I did something terrible to my back. It hurts like hell. Just the right side, around my rib cage.

Suggestions from people with back pain:

I mention my back pain to my mother-in-law. She suggests I get a big ball and roll around -- stretch out my back. I mention it to my friend Lisa. She suggests I lie on the floor for a half-hour to an hour and put ice on it. I mention it to my friend Melissa. She suggests I put heat on it and keep it supported the best I can. Anyone else?

I've decided that I'll try the heat thing because the ice just sounds too cold. It's cold outside and I just want to be comfortable. I'd take Advil, but it hurts my stomach. Tylenol has an effect equivalent to eating a couple of Milk Duds (except that the Milk Duds actually taste good). Aleve is related to naprosyn, which three people in my family have had serious reactions to (puffed-up lips and all that horror). So I'm left here with a choice of ice or heat. Of course, the ice would work as an anti-inflammatory; but the heat is so nice. I don't know. Maybe I'll get in touch with my sister -- a physical therapist -- I'm sure she'll offer me some exercise that doubles as an effective torture. It's nice to have all these people to go to for suggestions; nicer still to be able to choose the one I like best. --Mary

Monday, February 03, 2003


I got to hold a sleeping Gabby last night for quite some time! It was wonderful! She's such a warm, soft, and chunky little girl, but she hates being held. (I think it's because she's partially deaf and it just feels weird if someone moves while holding her.) So it was a real treat to get a chance to hold her. There's nothing as therapeutic as holding a sleeping ferret. Well, maybe eating a huge hot fudge sundae while holding a sleeping ferret. :o)

Today we get to load software onto my computer. Then I'll be able to work on page layouts for the magazine. I'm excited about that. Maybe we'll actually be able to publish on time again. --Mary

Sunday, February 02, 2003



Yesterday was a very sad day for all of us. My thoughts are with the families of the astronauts and with those who worked with them at NASA. Someone on one of the boards I read made a good point: These men and women died doing what they loved best. As tragic as this event is, we should all hope to lose our lives in the pursuit of something great for humankind. Those who risk their lives for the rest of us are truly heroes.


I've had a cold most of this week. It seems to be getting better now, but it really took a lot out of me. I hate being sick (who likes it?). Of course, being sick has slowed down progress on everything.

The Computer

Eric's computer died -- somehow chunks of the OS were eaten off the C drive (this is not the first time this happened). We finally replaced the motherboard, which we'd suspected was flaky from day one. Now we've got to load all the software back onto the damn thing. But we're hoping this is the last time!

The Ferrets

Koosh is tired of investigating the bedroom. He wants more space. I've been trying to get everything into locking bins in the main area of the house so the ferrets can have full run. It takes time. It's harder when you feel drained from a cold. But it has to be done soon. Last night Koosh pooped in Gabby's favorite bed. :o( Poor Gabby was a bit insulted, but she made do sprawling out in the middle of our king-sized bed. Ever the adaptable little lady.

I'm sure I had more to say, but right now I'm feeling a bit woozy. So I'll go. --Mary