I have this yen to build things. I want to make a loose-brick stoop for our front door. Right now it's just a warped piece of plywood with a rectangular foot-scraper on it. Not very inviting. Definitely unattractive. So I've looked it up online and it looks like I can do it. I just need to finish enough "real" work so I don't feel guilty pursuing this bent. My next project will be to finish hanging pictures. Then do a little painting. Then ...I'm really enjoying this hands-on thing. I even got a bunch of tools from Alan (Eric's stepdad). He gave me a drill (with bits!), a sander, a hacksaw, a level, and -- gosh! -- I don't even remember. I'm Ms. Fix-It-Build-It!
Touch is an underrated sense, I think. There's something about working with one's hands that is very soothing. I was thinking about it last night in regard to the ferrets. I was petting Koosh (well, I was petting him, he was sort of wriggling), and I thought how important it must be for him to be touched if he allows it. Certainly he has the choice; he's quite strong. But he seems to need me to hold him and scratch his neck. It really is appropriate, then, to ask: "Have you hugged your ferret today?" --Mary