New Blogger
This is my first post since they've upgraded Blogger. I hope it goes through all right.
Bike Riding
Yesterday we rode our bikes from here to Bethpage State Park -- it was a long ride, hilly, and great fun. I had forgotten the thrill of flying down a hill on a bicycle! The path is through woods, so it's shady and fragrant. Very enjoyable and quite different from the ride down to Jones Beach. The Jones Beach ride is all along Wantagh Parkway and in the sun. On the way there, you go against a lot of wind. But it is a nice ride, too. The problem with the Jones Beach ride is the bridges. The bike/rollerblade/walking bridges are added onto the car bridges as an afterthought and they are very narrow. The first two aren't terrible, but the third is awful and long. Even so, it's a nice bike ride. I'm really enjoying the bike riding thing. It's very freeing.
Gabby's Vaccine Reaction
About a week or so ago the ferrets got some vaccinations (Gabby and Trixie got their distemper shots and Koosh got his rabies shot). Gabby had a reaction, even though she was pretreated -- and it was the new Merial vaccine. This was her second time getting the Merial vaccine (you rarely see vaccine reactions the first time out). Her little nose turned bright red and she became lethargic and limp. She's all right now. A shot of epinephrine and some fluids brought her around. But she had hind-end weakness for a few days afterwards. Now comes the big question: What will we do next year? There's pretty much a guarantee that she'll have a reaction, so I don't know that we can give her any more vaccinations. I have to hope that she's gotten enough immunity from the shots she's already had. Poor little fluff ball.
I'm supposed to be writing, but I haven't been. That's why I figured if I started by doing a blog entry, I could kick-start myself. There's a lot I need to be writing, but I'm just not doing it. Some things are just too stressful right now. But that'll end soon enough and I should be in a better position to move forward.
Ok, let's see how this new Blogger version works ... --Mary