I got a cold. I had thought it was an allergy attack, but no. It's a cold. I hate colds. I have my niece's Bat Mitzvah tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to dressing up and being cheerful when I have a cold. I am woe.
Insulinoma? Grrr!
Koosh had a hypoglycemic attack the other night. Just what I need. Poor guy was not himself at all. He improved greatly with a little Ferretvite and a bowl of chicken baby food. I'm kind of hoping it was a tummy bug and he just didn't eat for several hours, but I know better. So it's off to have a fasting blood glucose done on him and then ... whatever it takes. At least last night he was his bouncy self again.
The sky is blue today and, despite feeling a little kicked over by this cold, I have energy.
Oh, and my hair has been re-pinked.