Mary's Ferret Blog

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Trixie Is Home!

Actually, she's been home for the better part of a week now. She's stable. Her kidney values are better, but she is still anemic. We're feeding her soft (canned) foods -- a rotation of Hill's a/d, Gerber's chicken baby food, and Iams kitten. We might switch her to something else after we talk to the vet tomorrow. She's also getting Baytril (does ANY ferret really tolerate this stuff?!) mixed with cimetidine (Tagamet). I can't wait for the Baytril to be finished. Then I'll just continue her on cimetidine. She also gets subcutaneous (subq; under the skin) fluids twice a day. She's unbelievably good about this. I warm the fluid, so it's not cold, and I use a butterfly needle. It's MUCH easier than giving the Baytril. She doesn't eat much on her own, but when we give her a bowl of food, she eats it very well. She's gained weight. She's warm to the touch (normal warm).

Today I let her walk around the house a bit. The house isn't ferret proofed (only the bedroom is), but I was following her around and she's really not much of an adventuresome ferret, considering her health, her age (7+ years), and the fact that she's blind. She really enjoyed sniffing at all kinds of things. I think we might keep her around a little while! It makes me feel good to know that I'm able to help Trixie feel better.

Gabby has been very good with Trixie. She doesn't nudge her the way she used to. She just sniffs at her. I've yet to find them curled up together, but I'm sure I will any day now.

That's about it for now.


Thursday, January 22, 2004

Still More Trixie

We should have Trixie home today or tomorrow. Her kidney values are better (not normal, but closer) and she seems much better. Her gums are pink and firm instead of red and inflamed. She's eating on her own. She's put on a little weight. She's maintaining her body temperature better than she had been. She's still kind of slow, but that's expected, because she is also anemic (this happens with renal disease).

It's good to write something positive.


We've been waiting for results from an MRI Eric had of his shoulder last Friday. We're hoping we can finally get the doc to talk to us today. Eric somehow injured his shoulder a few months ago and we're now waiting to find out if it's bad or really bad. We're hoping for just plain "bad."


Thursday, January 15, 2004

More Trixie

She's at the vet's. Several of her kidney values are high -- not extremely high, but certainly high enough to indicate a problem is brewing. So they're giving her fluids (very important to flush out her body and make it easier for her remaining -- and ill -- kidney to function). She's eating a little better. She had gotten to where she'd take a few licks of baby food, then root around in her blankets for a few minutes; take a few more licks, then root some more. Today, at the vet's, she took a lot of licks before rooting around and she ate a whole lot of food. It's encouraging that she feels like eating. A will to live is key to getting her stabilized. Once we do that, we'll see what the best course is. Most likely, it will be subQ fluids every few days for the rest of her life. But if the fluids can keep her kidney going and -- most importantly -- her quality of life is good -- then that's what we'll do.


Sunday, January 11, 2004


I always knew it would be a challenge if Trixie ever got sick. I was right. She is very persnickety and not inclined to like "new" foods. She's lost some weight since her surgery (not that she had much to her to begin with!), and I'm having a bear of a time trying to find something she'll eat to fatten her up a bit. I'm concerned that since she has only one kidney now that she's not processing protein as well as she could and that's why she's not putting on weight. She seems to be eating all right -- and everything's coming out the other end just fine. As ferrets get older (heck, as every animal ages) their kidneys process protein a little less efficiently. I think I have to find a food that is higher in protein than what she's eating -- and hope she likes it.

So please keep a good thought for little miss Trixie.
