I don't know if I need to say this, but
Tom Cruise is an ACTOR. I do hope no one is taking psychiatric advice from an actor. He's not even a terribly good actor, just a passable one. His off-center teeth are incredibly distracting when he's as big as a house on a movie screen. As an actor, I'd think he'd do some research into fixing that little problem. (Okay, enough cheap shots. Sorry about that.)In the United States we get way too much of our information from people who have no training in the field of the particular information they are hawking. Mr. Cruise is a perfect example. I've read a lot about a lot of things, but I wouldn't come out and make the kinds of statements Mr. Cruise makes. Mostly because I know that the more I know, the more I realize I know nothing. He appears to know less than that.
Mr. Cruise can OPINE that chemical imbalance does not exist; but I know it does (been there, taken the medication, got better). He is entitled to his opinion. Everyone's got one and everyone's entitled to one. The problem is that he knows he has an "audience," that there are people who will cite him as a "valid" reference with regard to mental illness.
Just remember, folks, he's an actor. Acting is a fine profession -- an art. I've nothing against acting or actors. I have a lot against people who use their celebrity status to push bullshit on the public. Mr. Cruise isn't the only one. He's just the one who's annoying me today.